The Gentleman From Ruse / Poem by Lynn White

The Gentleman From Ruse

I got very drunk the night we met him.

We were foreigners in 1970s Bulgaria,

yet to discover its idiosyncrasies.

The restaurant was crowded.

All the restaurants were,

so when he asked to share our table

we welcomed him, the gentleman from Ruse.

He had come from Ruse to Sofia on business 

and we enjoyed our meal and conversation 

though we had no language in common

we could understand each other.

But we did not understand 

the tradition governing table sharing.

So when more drinks appeared 

after we had finished our final glass

we thanked him

and of course

we drank them.

He topped us up again

and we danced the tango expertly

though I’d never danced the tango before.

He taught me well, the gentleman from Ruse.

We ordered him a drink.

He refused it

and bought us all another.

It was customary we learned later

for a guest at a table

to top up the glasses when empty.

He taught us restaurant readiness

that gentleman from Ruse.

And we remember him

with smiles.

Lynn White lives in north Wales. Her work is influenced by issues of social justice and events, places and people she has known or imagined. She is especially interested in exploring the boundaries of dream, fantasy and reality. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net and a Rhysling Award. and

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