What if / poem by Nancy Byrne Iannucci
What If
I held my head in my hands
as a crystal ball,
& saw the bottom of the sea,
the wreckage of what-ifs-
what if we capsize
or wait too long to tack?
What if we lose steam?
You lose faith.
I lose trust.
Would it still
be worth the voyage?
Nancy Byrne Iannucci is a librarian and poet who lives with her two cats: Nash and Emily Dickinson. San Pedro River Review, 34 Orchard, Bending Genres, The Mantle, Typehouse Literary Magazine, and Glass: a Poetry Journal are some of the places you will find her. She is the author of four chapbooks, Temptation of Wood (Nixes Mate Review, 2018), Goblin Fruit (Impspired, 2021), Primitive Prayer (Plan B Press, fall 2022), and Hummingbirds and Cigarettes (forthcoming via Bottlecap Press). Visit her at www.nancybyrneiannucci.com Instagram: @nancybyrneiannucci